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Jos Verleg
Glow Specialist is also a specialist in Blacklight fluorescent tubes.
We have them in different sizes from Philips and Omnilux.
Turn your existing fixture into a UV lamp or replace your broken UV fluorescent lamp with one of the fluorescent tubes below.
We sell most models from both the Omnilux brand and the Philips brand. Philips lamps have about 50% more UV effect.
Our assortment:
4 watts - T5, 6 watts - T5, 8 watts - T5, 15 watts - T8, 18 watts T8, 20 watts - T12, 36 watts - T8 and 58 watts - T8.
For information about the length, click on "Choose your size". (The 4 watt lamps are 15 cm instead of the mentioned 16 cm).
58 watts - 1.50 m Pick up only!
The largest fluorescent tube we have in stock is the 58 watt - T8 - 150 cm Omnilux.
However, we cannot send these due to the high risk of breakage.
You can pick these up in our warehouse for € 17.50 each. Call us for the availability of the 58 watt fluorescent tube.
Frequently asked questions about the 36 watt fluorescent tubes.
Question 1 - Why does one tube cost proportionally more than I order several?
Answer - We pack this tube in an extra sturdy box and our forwarders charge much more shipping costs.
Question 2 - Is the Philips tube really much better than the Omnilux and do 2 tubes of Omnilux have more effect than 1 philips tube?
Answer - Yes, the Philips tube is really much better and 2 Omnilux tubes don't give more effect than 1 Philips tube.